In response to an increase in COVID-19 cases in the state, we are taking precautions to protect our healthcare workers, staff, providers, and patients. A Partial Lockdown and HERT team activation was initiated on 3-12-2020 at 0630.  We have implemented the following:

  • Reduced entry and exit points in the facility
  • Screening of all staff, visitors, and patients entering the building
  • Volunteer services have been suspended indefinitely
  • Non-essential vendors will not be allowed entry. Essential vendors are those bringing necessary hospital supplies and/or supplies for procedures.
  • Trained staff to identify and handle any potential COVID-19 patients
  • Dedicated Rooms for Management of Coronavirus Patients
  • Environmental services to increase cleaning frequency for high touch spots in hallways, elevators, door knobs.

 Please see the updated information below and Guidelines for reducing the risk of infection.


All staff, visitors, and patients, including vendors and contractors, will be screened at designated entry points, including the Emergency Room. All visitors will be screened by a team member prior to entry and based on CDC guidance.  No visitor will be permitted into our facilities if they meet any of the following criteria:

  1. Are under the age of 12.
  2. Shows signs of symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat.
  3. In the last 14 days has had contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, or under investigation for COVID-19 or are ill with respiratory illness.
  4. Travel within the last 14 days. For updated information on affected countries, visit:
  5. Non-essential vendors will not be allowed entry.  Essential vendors are those bringing necessary Hospital Supplies or supplies for procedures.

EMTALA STILL APPLIES regarding medical screening performed by ER personnel.  Ask and Mask step applies.


The number of entry points to the hospital will be restricted.  Emergency Room entrance is the designated entry point for visitors, vendors, and contractors.  Visitation of patients will be limited to one visitor per patient per day.  Visitor must be 12 years or older.  These visitors may be required to wear PPE.

All visitors and patients, including vendors and contractors, will be screened at designated entry points, including the Emergency Room.   Visitors will be required to wash their hands, sign in, and must be banded before being allowed to continue to their destination.

 Badge Protocol

All staff must wear identification badges.  Visitors must be banded.

 We have been in frequent communication with the governor’s office, Louisiana Department of Health, local government and other local hospitals to prepare and stay up-to-date on all current standards and guidelines. We have been planning for this and are prepared to maintain the safety of our staff, healthcare team, and patients.  We appreciate your cooperation during this time.

Ray A. Landry, FACHE

Chief Executive Officer

Abbeville General Hospital