Each patient will be allowed two (2) unique asymptomatic visitors for the duration of their stay in the outpatient surgery and inpatient settings. These visitors are subject to symptom screening daily in room and/or at screening station upon re-entry. Only one (1) visitor will be allowed to stay overnight.
Emergency Room patients will be allowed one (1) unique asymptomatic visitor per patient. Visitation of patients will be limited to one visitor per patient per day.
Patients will provide the name of their essential visitor/s. Visitors must be screened for symptoms at facility entry/access points each day. If they are symptomatic, they will be turned away. All essential visitors will be required to wear masks throughout the building. To conserve supplies, we are encouraging visitors to bring a mask from home. If they do not have one, a mask will be issued.
Visitor must be 18 years or older, must remain in the patient’s room and not gather in common areas such as waiting rooms. Surgery visitors will wait in the surgery waiting room while maintaining social distancing. Visitor will be asked to return home if symptoms of respiratory infection (fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath) occur.
UNIQUE PATIENT VISITORS reporting to inpatient areas:
Visitor must be 18 years or older.
Essential visitors will be identified by patient or responsible party, will check in at access/entry point, required to wash hands, will be screened, and will be required to wear a MASK.
Swapping visitors throughout the day will not be allowed. Families encouraged to use alternate means of communication such as FaceTime, Skype or phones located in patient rooms.
These visitors may be required to wear PPE depending on patient condition
Abbey Café will be open to visitors FOR GO ORDERS ONLY
Visitors should remain in the patient room and cannot gather in common areas such as waiting rooms or wander in hallways or around the hospital.
Social Distancing rules and guidelines will be enforced and if not followed, you may be asked to leave.