Admissions and Discharges

Admissions and Discharges:

Admission to Abbeville General is arranged by your physician, who is a member of our Medical Staff. Upon arrival, forms must be completed, after which an identification band will be placed on your wrist. Please do not remove it during your hospital stay.


At Abbeville General, we believe that admission to the hospital should be simple and quick. Please bring your identification and cards, a list of your medications and your advance directives. The pre-admit office is available from 6:00am-4:30pm Monday-Thursday and Friday from 6:00am-2:30pm(except for holidays). If you have any questions regarding pre-admit, please contact us at (337) 898-6234.

When you arrive:

On the day of admission, you will present to the pre-admit department. The following items are recommended for your stay: bathrobe, slippers, nightclothes and toiletries. All personal items such as dentures, eye-glassed, hearing aids, etc. will remain your responsibility. Please identify all items in your presence to your nurse who will provide storage receptacles, this will be given to you upon discharge. Do not bring any valuable personal belongings, as the hospital cannot be responsible for them. We suggest that you keep no more than $5.00 at your beside for incidental purchases. A hospital representative will accompanying you to your room.


Upon leaving Abbeville General, an order for discharge will be written by your physician. A member of our Nursing Staff will help you prepare to leave, you will be given written instructions, medications and follow-up appointments. As a health and safety precaution, you will then be escorted to the hospital exit by a nurse staff member.