Patient Access (Registration) Areas
Do You Know Where To Go?
We’re Helping You Find Your Way.
Outpatient Services Entrance
337-898-6533 and 337-898-6510

Located at 118 Hospital Drive (near the flag pole)
Monday – Friday from 6:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Obstetrical Patients from 6:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Direct Admissions
Patients that arrive from their physican’s office before 5:30PM with an order to be admitted to Abbeville General Hospital
can register at either the Outpatient Services area or the Emergency Room entrance.
PBX Operator’s Desk
24 hours per day/ 7 days per week
Located on Alonzo Street
Located on Alonzo Street
Enter through Emergency Room Entrance
Scheduled Procedures
Sleep Study
Scheduling Department
337-898-6519 and 337-898-6503
Monday – Friday, 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Located next to the PBX Operator’s desk.
Located next to the PBX Operator’s desk.
Scheduled Procedures

Emergency Room Entrance
337-898-6531 and 337-898-6532
24 hours per day/ 7 days per week
Located on Alonzo Street
Located on Alonzo Street