Sales Tax & Reports
Your Sales Tax Dollars at Work
1/2% Sales and Use Tax levy by Hospital Sales Tax District No. 2 of the Parish for paying the cost of emergency room operations and acquiring, maintaining and improving hospital buildings, equipment and other capital facilities within Hospital Service District No. 2 of the Parish ( Abbeville General Hospital and related facilities). The proceeds are subject to funding into bonds by the governing authority of the District for capital improvements to the Abbeville General Hospital and related facilities.
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Annual Reports
We are continuously upgrading, enhancing and maintaining our facilities. To review year by year reports, view our presentations below.
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340B in Action
The 340B prescription drug program continues to be an essential element in providing affordable medicine, which might otherwise be unobtainable, for many of our local residents, providing them “access to quality care, close to home.” This program allows Abbeville General to deliver high level services to low-income individuals, as well as patients living in a rural area, often times uninsured and in a geographical area with limited resources. The 340B program has enabled AG to continue offering healthcare services that would not ordinarily be cost effective for the hospital to maintain. Operating as a non-profit entity, the savings that 340B generates allows for additional services to be offered, creating a win-win situation for our patients, community, and our hospital.
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Performance Score Report
The Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program is a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) initiative that rewards acute-care hospitals with incentive payments for the quality care provided to Medicare beneficiaries.
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Community Health Needs Assessment